trip to spain :second part

Publié le par Carine

                                                                  This is Ronda , beautiful white city.



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                                                    I visited the Museum of banditry !!!!


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I tried my first Tapas in Spain , inside this restaurant !! They was soooooo goood !!!


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I tried also a typical spain breakfast, simple but so yummy ^^ ( but less yummy than spain hot chocolate)



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the other specificity is the arena. It's oldest arena in spain and still active .


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It' s also possible to visited the mine. It was fun to visited it during rain !! ^^ I looked like to Indiana Jones for some difficulties about to move inside the mine. The ambiance inside the mine looked like in the first movie of his or the mines of moria ( the lord of the ring)

look the pictures



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The big specificity of this white city is : it' s built on the top of mountain and it bisected by a deep gorge . To see the old city you need to use the old bridge





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                                                                Following the next article about Grenada





Publié dans 2012

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